מכשיר לבדיקת איכות הזהב - צהוב,לבן ופלטינה
לא עוד בדיקה בחומצות מסוכנות
מזהה זהב 6-24 קראט

جهاز فحص جودة الذهب - الأصفر والأبيض والبلاتيني
لا حاجة لأحماض خطرة
تشخيص الذهب عيار 6-24 قيراط

Handheld electronic gold tester with unmatched accuracy - PATENTED
  Tests all colors of gold from 6K to 24K Tests Platinum
  • Follow easy steps to identify non-gold, gold, plate and gold filled as NA
  • Immediate test results - no waiting between tests
  • Simply touch pen probe to gold and LED indicates karat
  • Pen probe provides approximately 5000 tests with proper care
  • No messy gel. No staining chemicals. No dangerous acid
  • Compact and portable - 9V alkaline battery powered
  • Pen probe, battery and easy to follow instructions included